Thy kingdom come!
Thy kingdom come!
The French philosopher Blaise Pascal classifies reality in three orders. These orders, according to their increasing importance and value, are: the order of body (which includes visible things, money and politics), the order of mind (which includes knowledge, understanding and artistic talent) and the order of charity (which includes love, wisdom and grace). The second order is infinitely higher than the first one. The third order is infinitely superior to the two other orders.
Christ’s kingship belongs more to the last order of charity. His kingdom is of a totally different order and reality. In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks to Pilate with a mastery and a majesty which suggest a complete transcendence over the power of Rome.
The greatness of Christ in chains dominates history and the universe. The reality of His kingship belongs to the highest order in the classification of Blaise Pascal. His kingship is that of love, wisdom and grace. No kingdom has a power comparable to the power of love.
In many ways, our becoming church is all about building this kingdom of love, wisdom and grace on this earth.
Christ is king, but He kneels before His followers and washes their feet. He is king who was born in a stable, that is, in poverty and humility. He is king who died on a cross between two criminals to save us from sin and death. We follow His gospel values to the eternal path that will allow us to live forever. We endeavor to love as Christ loves.
Christ reigns over “an eternal and universal kingdom: a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace” (Preface, Christ the King)
“Almighty and ever-living God, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of the Universe, grant, we pray, that the whole creation, set free from slavery, may render your majesty service and ceaselessly proclaim your praise…” (Opening Prayer)