

Two years ago, the number of the faithful attending Sunday Masses decreased dramatically. Many countries were closing their borders to international travelers in fear of the spread of the virus. Uncertainty was in the air.

It has been a couple of challenging years for many of us. But here we are, today, coming together as a community, with trusting hearts in the Lord.

Throughout these uncertain times, the testimony of many is: What would we do if we didn’t have faith? What would we do if we didn’t have hope? What would we do if we didn’t have Christ in our lives?

Our Lord in the Transfiguration gives us a powerful testimony of what is to come to those who have faith in Him. The transfiguration of our Lord was a very powerful moment in the course of His earthly ministry because it is in this event that he reveals his divine nature and glory to us through Peter, James and John.

Peter’s perplexity gives us a glimpse of our Lord’s glory; for when our Lord transfigured, Peter realizes that nothing on this earth could make us dirty. Peter, though limited in his human senses, comes to the realization that our Lord’s transfigurations is heavenly.

In times of crisis and uncertainty, we must cling to the Lord’s testimony. He is to show us the path to heaven. He is to conduct us to work with one another to get out of the pit in which we might be.

As we participate in the Sunday Eucharist, concentrate in our Lord’s transfiguration, so that we might go to the place where He is, for He says: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going” (Jn 14:3-4).

Let us, therefore, have an unwavering faith in Our Lord because we are lucky to know that He is indeed the Messiah who came to save us from our sins.