Request an Altar Flower Dedication

The flowers on our altar are a beautiful symbol of our offerings to God. It’s a way that we praise Jesus for the life and hope that he gives us and a way that we honor loved ones and give thanks for our blessings.

To request an altar flower dedication in memory of a loved one or celebration of an anniversary complete the form below.  The suggested offering for each altar arrangement is $25 for a high altar arrangement or $50 for a front altar arrangement.

Altar Flower dedicated will be noted in the Sunday Bulletin.  Flower choice and colors will be at the discretion of the Altar Flower Ministry due to liturgical color and season.

NOTE: There are no flowers on the altar during the liturgical season of Lent. There are general appeals for flower donations prior to Christmas and Easter.

Contact the parish office at (403) 252-1137 or for assistance.

Use this form to request the dedication of Altar flowers for a memorial or celebration of an anniversary during Ordinary Time and Advent. There are no flowers on the altar during the liturgical season of Lent. There are general appeals for flower donations prior to Christmas and Easter. Suggested donation $25 for high altar arrangement (4 per week) $50 for front altar arrangement (2 per week)
Please enter your email and phone number, so we can follow up with you.