A blessed Christmas to all
As we celebrate the solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, we realize that Jesus came as the perfect gift of himself. His willingness to come down to us, becoming like us in all things but sin, to save us and lead us to eternal life, allows us to imitate his example in being gifts to others, filled with thanksgiving and gratitude.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord Jesus for the gift of being the pastor of our parish. The gracious welcome I have received in these past few months has been a great consolation to me and inspiration to strive to live the gift of my priestly vocation well.
I am grateful to the fraternal friendship of Frs Botta and Oballo. I praise God for their vocations and their inspiring dedication to serve in our parish and in the Church Universal.
I rejoice for the dedication and ministry of our parish staff, who do so much to help our parish be a vibrant community of faith and offer many works unseen by most to assure we keep St. Anthony’s a place of prayer, service and community.
I am thankful for the inspiring witness of all involved in various ministries in our parish. We are blessed with remarkable choirs who bring beauty and joy to our liturgical celebrations and all those who assist before the Lord’s holy altar as altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of holy communion, ushers, greeters, sacristans, those involved in hospitality ministry to assure we have time for fellowship after our Sunday masses, those involved in pastoral outreach in the nursing homes, sacramental preparation of our youth, journeying with our new family, through the works of the Legion of Mary and Knights of Columbus and those in the art and environment committee for the splendid Christmas decorations and beautiful floral arrangements that adorn our two altars.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christmas Hampers and our ongoing hamper ministry! Our ability to serve Christ present in those in need shows we are Christians in both word and deed and keeps us steadfast on the path to eternal life!
Let us rejoice to for the re-opening of our adoration chapel and our committed adorers who take time to be close to Our Eucharistic Lord!
Finally, thank you to everyone whom I have not mentioned explicitly in this message. Whether we are visibly seen in various ministries in the parish or remain faithfully in the pews, your prayers, financial contributions and witness to the Christian life is what reveals us as the Mystical Body of Christ.
May the Christ Child bless each of us abundantly this Christmas and in the new year to come.
I remain yours in Jesus through Mary, Fr. Nathan Siray