An Act of Faith
An Act of Faith
“Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury” (Mk 12:43)
This Sunday we are celebrating Catholic Education Sunday. This week, on the eleventh, we remember those who sacrificed their lives for freedom and peace. Next Sunday the Church invites us to remember the poor on the World Day of the Poor.
These three events bring home the aspect of sacrifice, although at different levels.
It is important to recognize that it is thanks to the sacrifice of a teacher, and our parents, that education is received. As Catholics we must recognize the gift of Catholic Education, therefore we have to support it and cherish it, to make a sacrifice for it.
It is important to not forget that it is thanks to the sacrifice of men and women that we are able to enjoy peace in society. Even though there are new forms and ways of waging war in the world, and new devices to upset peace, we must honour those who gave all up for peace and freedom.
It is important to not be indifferent to the needs of others, to look out for those in the peripheries. By making a small sacrifice on our side, with a concerted effort, we can bring some relief to someone who may be in need.
Once I came across the following phrase:
“There is no act of faith more beautiful than the generosity of the very poor.”
The Lord commends the generosity of the poor widow who contributed out of her poverty, a complete act of faith on her part, just as the widow at Zarephath did. Generosity begins as a great act of faith. Teachers, soldiers, and genuine philanthropists, witness for us firsthand the meaning of that great act of faith; they give out of themselves generously as a sacrifice so that others may enjoy the fruits of their loving hearts.