Creator Father, life is your gift to us and through Baptism you invite us
to share the gift of our lives in service to others.
Be with us each day as we choose to show your presence in the world.
Give us the courage and generosity to accept your love and your call.
We pray especially for all those who serve you as liturgical ministers,
pastoral ministers, outreach and faith formation ministers, hospitality
and maintenance ministers.
Keep them close you to you. Open their hearts and minds and the
hearts and minds of all our parishioners, that they may accept your call
to follow the gospel life in the spirit of St. Anthony. Amen.
When interacting with vulnerable persons it is necessary to register our intent to volunteer,
educate ourselves on the issues of vulnerability and creating a safe environment, and obtain
a police clearance certificate. Our duty to care is an act of generosity.
Here are the protocols to follow to prepare for service at St. Anthony’s Church.
Register your intent to serve:
If you will be serving children or vulnerable adults:
Respond to the invitation to serve in a particular ministry:
Maintain your Service file: