The reign of Christ the King
The reign of Christ the King
When Pilate asked Jesus if he was a king, our Lord replied that Pilate said so but that his kingdom is not of this world. His kingship is a sign of contradiction to the rulers of this world. His throne was not made of fine wood and marble but was the wood of roughly hewn cross. His crown was not fashioned from gold and precious stones, but cruel thorn and red droplets of blood, more precious than any ruby. His vesture was not of soft silk or ornate brocade but a humble tunic without seam that was torn from his scourged body. His court is not made up of the powerful, influential, or rich but 12 ordinary men, all of whom save one turned traitor when he needed them most. His Queen and Bride is not a woman of beauty, grace, or prestige but the Holy Church of God, too often treated with ill repute and distain.
Truly, his kingship was not of this world as it does not resemble that of the kings of old or the new rulers of our time. Yet He is the King of Kings and Lord of all creation, in part because of the ways his kingship does not conform to the standards and desires many have for leaders. He taught that his reign was to serve and not be served and give his ransom for the many. His kingship is discovered in laying down your lives for others, most often in the small mundane moments of each day when we choose to love others.
May we proclaim the reign of Christ the King by imitating his example and invite others to find in Jesus a king who can reign in their hearts and bring true joy to their lives.