The Tree of Jesse
The Tree of Jesse
A popular devotional image during the Medieval Period was a Jesse Tree. It usually showed an elderly seated man with a large tree with multiple branches coming out of his back. The old man was Jesse, the father of King David. On each of the branches were depicted the descendants of King David, with the top of the Jesse tree showing a shoot in the form of a straight stem with flowers of which was depicted the Blessed Virgin holding the Christ Child.
This image was a vivid way to show the connection between King David and Jesus to affirm that his lineage was that of the kings of Israel and he was truly both Son of David and Son of God. The Jesse Tree was also a fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah which we hear this Sunday about the one who would come from the stump of Jesse and have a Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Might, and Fear of the Lord.
If those attributes of the spirit sound familiar, it is because they are known as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (the Church added the life of piety to this list from Isaiah) that one receives with the Sacrament of Confirmation.
May we take time this week to consider how well we have been using these Gifts of the Holy Spirit that we received at Confirmation. If perhaps you were not confirmed, please reach out to the Parish Office to learn how you too can receive this wonderful sacrament.