Hospitality factor

Fr. Edmunds Pastoral Notes…

Hospitality factor

As we resume in-person Masses in the midst of the pandemic, volunteers are still required for the wellness protocol: Point of Entry Registrar, Usher, Cleaner & Safety Coordinator. The volunteer roles are actually Hospitality tasks. Before the pandemic, we briefly implemented the Hospitality Desk ministry.

We really have to re-visit this important task of welcoming people on behalf of Christ and the Church.  The hospitality ministry spells our success as church.  One’s first encounter or experience with the front-liners in our worship services makes or breaks his or her interest in joining or coming back to the church.

Today’s gospel states the basis of the theology of hospitality in our Christian ministry: “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward… and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple — truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.” This powerful statement from Jesus is based on His becoming human, sharing in our humanity to share His divinity. 

Hospitality reminds us of this important aspect of being Church, that is, to become a “welcoming and caring community… on Christ’s behalf!”

The activities we organize are all geared towards transforming strangers in our gatherings into friends in our community.  The more we get involved in ministries and other activities, the more we become connected with one another.  In the end, our life as Christians is all about how we relate with one another on behalf of Christ who is our brother, friend and Savior.

Let us reflect on how we have impacted the lives of others in our community and in our world.  Any involvement or participation that we do church-wise becomes ministry if we do it on behalf of Christ or as an expression of our faith.


Healing Corner.  “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me…” As we contemplate Christ’s words to us, think of those who suffer domestic violence and discrimination. They need our love, compassion and support. Learn how to recognize the signs of abuse and prejudice, in ourselves and for those who touch your lives; in Church, at home and in the streets. Reach out with love, become a disciple of Christ.