Pastoral Notes

Blessed. In a convoluted world like ours, the ever-current words of Jesus come as a relief to us. It doesn’t matter...

“Put out into the Deep” St. Anthony’s is a community with such potential, that we can do great things. As I...

Prayer for the Synod Last October Bishop McGrattan invited us to join him on the journey throughout the synod. As the...

To Bring Good News As soon as one gets to open the newspaper, turn on the radio, or check the news...

Do whatever He tells you This Sunday we witness one of the most known Gospel passages. Often times this passage is...

In the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and be Glad) Pope Francis reminds us that our union with Christ...

Merry Christmas to all! It has been five months since I began my ministry as administrator at St. Anthony’s. Initially,...

O Emmanuel As Christmas is fast approaching, the Church prepares with more eagerness for the festivities we have around the corner....

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody!  No, the greeting is not a typo. Last week we celebrated the Solemnity of Christ the...