Why pray the Holy Rosary?
Why pray the Holy Rosary?
In this month of October, we are invited to pray the Holy Rosary. The popes throughout the centuries have encouraged all Catholics to pray the Holy Rosary as a way to meditate on the Life, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
There are many reasons why we should pray the rosary but one of them is that by praying the rosary every day, we have the chance each week to ponder the mysteries of Our Lord as they given to us in the 4 Gospels.
In the Joyful Mysteries, we recall those stories from the Gospels of Sts. Matthew and Luke about the birth and childhood of Our Lord and marvel at the ways the Incarnate Lord dwelt among us and continues to do so.
In the Luminous Mysteries, we ponder the Public Ministry of Our Lord as recorded in all 4 Gospels and are challenged to go forth and imitate Him in word and deed.
In the Sorrowful Mysteries, we kneel in adoration before the Holy Cross and remember once again in the 4 Gospels how much Our Lord loved us in dying for us and saving us from perdition.
In the Glorious Mysteries, we again contemplate what the 4 Gospels tell us about the Resurrection of the Lord, His Ascension and the Descent of the Paraclete, and while not explicitly told in the scriptures, we also marvel at the mysteries of Mary’s Assumption and Coronation as Queen of Heaven and Earth as a reminder that where Our Lady dwells in glory is where she calls you and I to one day reign.
If we can commit to pray the rosary each day, then week after week we will contemplate the story of our salvation as it is proclaimed in the Gospels! Let us ask Our Lady to inspire us to continue or to start once again the praying of the Holy Rosary each and every day.